Wednesday, October 20, 2010

new challenge.

Learn to Speak up so I can have Healthy Relationships.
good goal, right?

pssh. thats easier said than done. at least for me anyways..
I'm always afraid if I speak up no one will like me.
*thinking of people i know that hate my guts*
*its eating me alive*

why do i let those people bother me so freakin much??


Anonymous said...

Meet you on the other side.

Caet said...

uum..who are you?

Anonymous said...

You'll know when you meet me over younder, k?

Caet said...

dont be a creeper :)

Anonymous said...

I'm not, I just wanted to tell you that... and I better..

Caet said...

whatever it is you mean by that....sure.

Anonymous said...

Gee, your such a dingdong... Heaven, k? See.You.There.Bonehead.

I better anyway.

Caet said...



Anonymous said...

I better meet you at the gates, because if I don't..... Be glad I can't get mad in Heaven... Cause I would be beyond mad.

Caet said...

i dont think you would care at the time :P but chill out. you'll see me ;)