Wednesday, November 17, 2010

a wee bit of me wednesday

{one} what time do you normally wake up?
uuum...11 something :/ but thats only because i sleep on and off all night. my sleep has been jacked. and i usually sleep through my alarm.
 {two} do you have a go-to song for karaoke?
no karaoke for caetie :] 

{three} if  you  could  only  see  black  and  white  except  for  one  color,  what  color  would  you  choose  to  see?
BLUE! i have this thing with blue eyed guys and brown eyed girls. :) i dislike my blue eyes.

{four} what color best matches your personality?
purple? idk. you tell me...
{five} if you could choose one meal to cook better than anyone else, what would it be?
rice krispie treats. 

{six} how many keys do you have on your key ring?
four or five? my car key. a house key. at least two maybe 3 van keys.

{seven} do you give your pets birthday/christmas gifts?

{eight} when your plate has different foods on it, do you mix or not?
only mexican food can be mixed :]

{nine} if you could hire someone to do one thing for you all the time, what would it be?

 {ten} when flying, do you prefer the window or aisle seat?
well, i've never been on a plane. but i have been on a bus and it depends on who i'm sitting next to.

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